About Us
Based in Kathmandu, Nepal, we are a research-oriented company dedicated to solving engineering mapping and surveying problems since 2021.
Our Products
We have a wide range of commercial products, including mobile apps, desktop software and survey-grade GNSS receivers.

SW Maps
A free GIS and mobile mapping app for collecting, presenting and sharing geographic information.
- Overlay multiple mbtiles, KML files, shapefiles and more!
- Record or draw points, lines and polygon features
- Export to multiple formats
- Connect to external GNSS receivers for high accuracy surveying
- Record tracks, with distance measurement
- Load templates containing predefined feature layers

Surveyor GNSS Receivers
Affordable, high accuracy GNSS receivers for all your surveying and mapping needs.
- SW Maps GNSS Surveyor
- SW Maps GNSS Surveyor Pro
- SW Maps GNSS Surveyor Handheld

GNSS Reference Station
Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) receivers that providing real-time corrections and recorded GNSS data. For surveyeing, mapping, monitoring and research applications.
More Information
A free software for post-processing GNSS data.
- Static, Kinematic and PPP Processing.
- Use your own base station, or auto-download corrections from Aviyaan CORS Service.
- Auto-downloads PPP corrections
- Improve your SW Maps projects accuracy with post-processed GNSS solutions.
Check our Services
We offer a wide range of services, from web and mobile app development to hardware and custom PCB design and consulting.
Customized Field Data Collector
Develop your organization's customized field data collector app based on our popular app, SW Maps. Integrate with your API, cloud storage provider or specialized equipments.
Cloud-based GIS Applications
Use our powerful web mapping engine for viewing and online editing of all your GIS data. Upload and sync data with your own customized mobile data collector.
Engineering Software Development
Develop civil engineering design software, for commercial or your organization's internal use.
PCB Design And Firmware Development
Develop custom hardware and firmware, including GNSS receivers, vibration sensors and more.
Contact Us
Our Address
254 Shree Ekata Marga, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email Us
info@aviyaantech.comCall Us
+977 1 4583568